ABM Sharif hossain, Musamma M Uddin
The review study was carried out from different research data to find out the innovative latest information on stimulated protein kinase gene in cell signaling in cell, tissue of plant or animal growth and development affected by abscissic Acid (ABA) hormone. From the review study results, ABA stimulated ACPK1 in defined concentration of treatment and the ACPK1 expression as well as enzyme activities altered using ABA concentrations during fruit development. The other phytohormone like gibberellic acid (GA) was also ineffective in this ACPK1 stimulation. ABA sensitivity adapted to drought conditions better than their wild-type species. ABA was required for tolerance to freezing which occurred through the induction of dehydration-tolerance genes. Moreover, cell division and differentiation, genetically modified (GM) might not be occurred by the concentration of ABA hormone. ABA regulated genes were expressed and found new genes like At5g06760, LTl30, RD29A.
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